Liebe Mitglieder des Wahlausschusses, liebe Studierende, hiermit lade ich zur ersten ordentlichen Sitzung des Wahlausschusses für Mittwoch, den 2. Juni
Student Body Elections 2021
Elections are taking place from June 14 to June 16! And you can vote directly from your couch. Apply for
Equality in Computer Science – Grace Hopper Awards of the Computer Science Institute
Women* have been and still are often severely underrepresented in MINT subjects. Unfortunately, this often results in them having difficulties
Konsti des FSV-Wahlausschusses
Am 17.5 hat die konstituierende Sitzung des Wahlausschusses stattgefunden. Das Protokoll dazu ist hier verfügbar. Die Wahl selbst wird vom
Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service
Do you feel like you could need someone to talk to? Someone that listens to what stresses you, or what
Gamenight 2021-05-15
On Saturday, May 15, starting at 5 p.m., we will host a game night in the cool online world WorkAdventure.
Einladung zur konstituierenden Sitzung des Wahlausschusses der Fachschaft Informatik
Liebe Mitglieder des Wahlausschusses, liebe Studierende, hiermit lade ich zur konstituierenden Sitzung des Wahlausschusses für Montag, den 17. Mai 2021,
Speedfriending, Exercise Partners for Bachelor Students and Game Night on Saturday, April 17th 2021
Dear Students, tl;dr: get to know each other and find partners for your exercises 2pm for 2nd semester mandatory courses
Information for freshmen of the computer science program
Hello and welcome in Bonn! We, the student body, are hosting a get-together tomorrow, april 10th at 2pm (CEST) where
Evaluation of lectures in the past semester WS20/21
The lecture evaluation (“VLU”) is finished and the results can now be publicly observed. We evaluated all lecture courses in