There has been an update in how the change of examination regulations will be carried out. Again, if you study
Category: General
Mandatory Change of the Examination Regulations for Bachelor Students
The old examination regulations for the bachelors program will terminate at the end of the winter semester 2022/23. If you

Einkauf für die OE 2022
Heute waren wir mit dem OE-Hauptorgateam einkaufen. Hauptsächlich wurden die Zutaten für die Tomatensuppe und Waffeln, die wir während der
Griechisch schreiben lernen
Sobald man sich über Mathematik unterhalten will, kommt man an den griechischen Buchstaben nicht vorbei. Ob ihr Übungszettel bearbeitet oder
Free sanitary products on campus
Maybe you’ve already seen the bags with sanitary pads and tampons offered free of charge by the student body at
Healthy Campus im Sommersemester
Auch in diesem Semester gibt es wieder verschiedene Angebote von Healthy Campus für eure körperliche und mentale Gesundheit. Hier seht
Survey about Cafeteria Usage
The Liste Poppelsdorf (fraction of the student parliament) is currently trying to achieve that the cafeterias also offer food in
Registration for the Master Program until 20.05.2022
The Deadline for registering for the master program has been set to the 20.05.2022. You will need to hand in
Slides for the Masters Orientation Event available
If you couldn’t make it to the event or want to take another look at the slides, you can do
Finally, Clean Whiteboards!
We bought whiteboard sponges, cleaning spray and good markers so that you can properly use the whiteboards in our working