At the meeting of the Student Body Representatives on 2 May, an election date was set for the election of
Author: bastin
All-Gender Toilets in the Informatikzentrum
For almost a year now, the toilets on the ground floor near the foyer, in the northern staircase, in our

Trinerdic Tournament on October 15th, 2 p.m.
After a break of 3 years it’s finally time again for the big duel of the departments! At the Trinerdic

Einkauf für die OE 2022
Heute waren wir mit dem OE-Hauptorgateam einkaufen. Hauptsächlich wurden die Zutaten für die Tomatensuppe und Waffeln, die wir während der
Invitation to events promoting Women in STEM
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Institute of Computer Science are inviting you to the three events
Fernzugriff auf CIP-Pool-Rechner
The GSG (Gemeinsame Systemgruppe) is the IT administration of the department of computer science, and they recently made it possible
Equality in Computer Science – Grace Hopper Awards of the Computer Science Institute
Women* have been and still are often severely underrepresented in MINT subjects. Unfortunately, this often results in them having difficulties
Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service
Do you feel like you could need someone to talk to? Someone that listens to what stresses you, or what